County COVID Rent Relief is Available…With Caveats

Los Angeles County is providing another $68 million in rent relief to qualified LA County landlords for COVID–19 rent arrears. Funds will cover up to $30k in back rent if that debt was incurred after April 1, 2022. The caveats: the landlord must apply; and priority will go to geographic areas in the county that are deemed high or highest need. The application window closes June 4th.

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Beverly Hills Rental Housing Assistance: Only Landlords Need Apply

Councilmember Bob Wunderlich back in March proposed a rental housing assistance program to help eligible tenants to afford a large rent increase of the kind we expect to see in the coming years. Council was eager to get a program up and running and in April the mayor appointed two councilmembers to an ad-hoc committee to flesh it out. The ad-hoc ran aground and we heard nothing more about it until late October when the RSO office quietly contacted landlords about a subsidy program. What happened to financial help for tenants? Let us explain!

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Tenant Advocates Spring Into Action with a Call for Rent Relief

Renters Alliance sees the COVID-19 relief promised to taxpayers and businesses as wanting. Taxpayers get a one-time payment of $1,200 per adult and $500 per child and some who need it won’t even get it. But businesses (including apartment landlords) already get plenty of tax breaks and now they’ll get more while small landlords lose out. If tenants and landlords can agree on one thing it is that providing relief to tenants will provide relief to landlords too.

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