RSO Basics and Updates Webinar: Our Review

Beverly Hills rent stabilization division this week hosted a webinar Q&A titled RSO Basics and Updates. It is the latest virtual ‘training’ on tenant and landlord responsibilities. Helen Morales, deputy director of the rent stabilization division, walked through the basics: history of the rent stabilization ordinance, reasons for no-fault termination, the city’s moratorium and more. Dry stuff mostly, but there are a few nuggets to highlight before we render our verdict.

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Making the Means and Methods Plan Better: Our Recommendations

The city requires a means & method plan when construction will affect other tenants in a multifamily property. The plan discloses the nature of the work, identifies likely impacts, and proposes measures to mitigate impacts. But we hear from tenants that the means & method process is not protecting them. The process needs improvement and here is what we recommend to make it work better for tenants.

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Means and Method Plan: What You Need to Know [Updated]

Tenants should know that City of Beverly Hills requires an approved ‘means and method plan’ will be provided to tenants whenever permit-required work, like construction or remodeling, will occur in an adjacent apartment with an ongoing impact. The purpose of this requirement is to inform tenants about the nature, scope and duration of work; and to identify the impacts of that work and to identify mitigations the landlord will take to reduce those impacts if possible. This requirement is important because the plan helps tenants to hold a landlord accountable for unforeseen construction impacts and, too often, for careless construction practices. Unfortunately the city will not inform us about this requirement. So let Renters Alliance explain what it means to you!

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