Beverly Hills Affordable Housing Eligibility: What You Need to Know

City of Beverly Hills has guidelines for prioritizing the eligibility of applicants for affordable housing: seniors get first shot then families with children, etc. The guidelines have been on the books for years. But only recently has there been an opportunity to use them as a few new deed-restricted affordable units became available. Looking ahead to the decade ahead, more affordable units will come online so we thought it helpful to describe the process of qualifying with a focus on the guidelines that help to determine eligibility.

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When Can the Landlord Enter My Unit? [Updated]

According to state law the landlord can enter your premises during business hours for any lawful purpose so long as the landlord provides proper notice. However this right is often abused by landlords. Indeed concern about unit entry is among the most frequent reasons a tenant contact the alliance. Some less-scrupulous landlords will bully tenants or suggest they can enter for any purpose. Others are simply unaware of when they can lawfully enter. On this topic the law is specific but complicated so we have prepared an explainer to help tenants identify unlawful entry and deny entry when necessary.

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Due Diligence: How to Research the Landlord [Updated]

Most tenants won’t need to research the landlord because the relationship is simply business: the tenant writes the check and the landlord provides the housing. But sometimes complications arise and it is useful to know the owner of the property. Not the property management company but the beneficial owner who profits from the enterprise. Here we share some tips on how we do our due diligence using city and state records.

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Tenant Advocates Spring Into Action with a Call for Rent Relief

Renters Alliance sees the COVID-19 relief promised to taxpayers and businesses as wanting. Taxpayers get a one-time payment of $1,200 per adult and $500 per child and some who need it won’t even get it. But businesses (including apartment landlords) already get plenty of tax breaks and now they’ll get more while small landlords lose out. If tenants and landlords can agree on one thing it is that providing relief to tenants will provide relief to landlords too.

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