Moratorium Rent Repayment Deadlines are Approaching!

he bill for rent that was delayed using a city, county or state moratorium is soon coming due. Rent that was delayed using the Beverly Hills moratorium must be repaid by June 1st as the 1-year forbearance period comes to an end. So all rent arrears incurred between March 15, 2020 and May 31, 2022 must be repaid in full within the next week. Also the bill for rent delayed using the Los Angeles County moratorium rent repayment is coming soon. And Beverly Hills rent-stabilized households can expect to see a rent increase on July 1st or soon after. Talk about a tough summer!

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Aggressive Landlords Pursue Rent Arrears Despite Moratorium Declaration

The county moratorium is likely entering its final month and is expected to expire on March 31, 2023. Full rent will likely be due on April 1st and repayment of rent arrears is due one year later on March 31, 2024. However tenants who have delayed the payment of some or all of the monthly rent with a moratorium declaration may still find themselves with a 3-day notice to pay-or-quit. And if not resolved the step is a court date. We hear from some tenants who used the moratorium that the landlord is using court as a threat in order to collect rent debt prematurely or coerce the tenant to voluntarily vacate.

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County Extends Nonpayment Moratorium Through March [Updated]

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has extended county moratorium protections for low-income renting households through March 2023. To gain the protection a qualified renting household must file the county moratorium declaration with the landlord by the end of the 7th day after rent is due. Any tenant that can qualify but has not paid full rent, or that has already been served with a 3-day notice to pay or quit, should consider sending the county declaration to the landlord immediately!

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County Moratorium Continues Low-Income Tenant Protections Through December

Update for tenants suffering COVID-related financial impact: the County Board of Supervisors has amended the county’s moratorium to continue eviction protections for low-income tenants through December. A court in October had enjoined the county from enforcing protection related to nonpayment of rent, but the county subsequently amended the moratorium in mid-November to address the court’s concern. Protection against eviction is still in effect and will be through December. Let’s look at what it means for tenants.

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County Moratorium Continues No-Fault Eviction Protection (Except for Landlord Use)

Beverly Hills rent-stabilized households lost an important eviction protection when the moratorium expired: starting June 1st a tenancy could be terminated for redevelopment, remodeling, condo conversion, or any reason enumerated in the Beverly Hills rent stabilization ordinance. Households that rent a single-family home or condominium in Beverly Hills have it worse: they can be evicted for any reason or no reason at all with only 60 days notice. These households generally have no protection under local or state law. However the Los Angeles County moratorium does put such no-fault evictions on hold through December of 2022 although with one caveat: landlords can still move-in a relative. Let’s take a closer look at the county moratorium protection.

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County Moratorium: New Protection from Eviction for Low-Income Households

The Los Angeles County moratorium protection against eviction for nonpayment of rent is back in effect. As of July 1, 2022 low-income renting households may delay the payment of rent if they are unable to pay rent due to COVID by filing a declaration with the landlord. The landlord must accept the declaration and no documentation is necessary. This will come as a relief to households financially impacted by COVID yet were left out on a limb after City of Beverly Hills sunset our residential tenant moratorium on May 31st. But the county moratorium offers additional protections too. Let’s take a look.

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Update for Tenants Experiencing COVID-Related Hardship

Recent legislation from Sacramento has extended the temporary state eviction protection for tenants who are waiting on state COVID assistance. Through June 30th the landlord may not evict a tenant who has a pending application with Housing is Key and has not been denied. However effective immediately a Beverly Hills tenant who cannot pay rent, and who has not filed a city declaration for protection, and who does not have a pending relief application, may be evicted. New state legislation (AB 2019) preempts the county from shielding tenants from eviction for nonpayment.

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LA County Protects Tenants from Non-Emergency Landlord Entry [Updated]

Los Angeles County in January of 2021 enacted a COVID moratorium provision to protect a tenant from eviction for denying the landlord, or his agent, entry to the premises, when the purpose of that entry is neither related to an emergency or health and safety. Until May 31st that county protection remains in place and it does apply to all Beverly Hills tenants. Moreover, if the landlord harasses a tenant for the purpose of entry that too is an affirmative defense against eviction. Let’s take a closer look at this important but little-known tenant protection.

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