Now You See It, Now You Don’t: BH Landlord Names Disappear

We long relied on the city’s property information portal called CitySmart when researching Beverly Hills landlords. We use a variety of sources and methods to hold landlords accountable, of course, but the CitySmart portal provided one essential piece of information not easily available: the name of the landlord. Now in a major step backward for transparency the city has summarily removed from that portal all of the landlord names. What’s behind this bit of “now you see it, now you don’t” sleight-of-hand?

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Due Diligence: How to Research the Landlord [Updated]

Most tenants won’t need to research the landlord because the relationship is simply business: the tenant writes the check and the landlord provides the housing. But sometimes complications arise and it is useful to know the owner of the property. Not the property management company but the beneficial owner who profits from the enterprise. Here we share some tips on how we do our due diligence using city and state records.

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Tenant’s Challenge: Screening the Landlord

Time and again we hear stories about unprofessional or unscrupulous landlords and their managers. The ones that slow-roll repairs, engage in intimidation and harassment, and improperly withhold deposits. They are a minority of owners, sure, but tenants who do rent from these landlords share a lament: “I wish I had known before I rented.” Can a prospective tenant screen her future landlord?

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